
We will be providing 3 tasty and healthy meals daily to all who wish to join us.  You do not need to bring food or cooking equipment unless you want to.  

Do you have locally grown produce, eggs, dairy, or similar items you’d like to contribute? Email us at to arrange a donation and/or a barter ticket. Want to be a part of the kitchen crew at QuinkFair 2023? Please fill out our Volunteer form and we’ll be in touch.

Meals are hearty, tasty, and included in the cost of all tickets.  You are not required to eat them, and are welcome to prepare your own food either for yourself or to share/gift with others. Please note that individual campfires are not permitted, although camp stoves, solar ovens, and the like are welcome.  We suggest bringing a few gallons of water for your own personal camp use, and you can refill those on site.

You must bring your own bowl/plate, cup/mug, and eating utensils. We will have dishwashing stations.

Meals begin at Thursday lunch, and ends after Monday lunch. Snacks and drinks will be available throughout the event.

Our goals in providing meals at QuinkFair is to: 

  • Ensure all people have access to hearty, tasty food. 
  • Build community via cooking and sharing meals.  
  • Make the gathering accessible to those who are traveling by mass transit, and may have difficulty transporting food and cooking implements.
  • Make the gathering accessible to those who are not comfortable cooking outdoors, or do not have the implements to do so.
  • Keep the event a money-free gift economy zone.

We serve 3 meals a day, and account for the “big 9” food allergens. The Big 9 food allergies are milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, and sesame.  Other food allergies or intolerances can be covered if you inform us in advance (preferably before July 10), either via email or by including that information when you purchase your ticket.

  • Much of the food will be vegan, with some meat, eggs, and dairy.  
  • There will likely be meat included in the dinner menu, in addition to our vegetarian and vegan options.
  • If you are a heavy meat eater, especially if you’re on a keto eating plan, you may need/want to bring foods to supplement what we provide.
  • A significant portion of the food will be gluten free.  With that said, gluten and non-gluten foods will be prepared in the same kitchen. If you have a severe gluten sensitivity please get in touch with us to ensure your needs are met.

If you’d like to bring an item to contribute to the central kitchen please make sure it can be safely stored at room temperature, as we have limited refrigerator space. Items that would be particularly helpful are below:

  • Whole uncut fruits that can be stored at room temp for a few days- apples, bananas, oranges, peaches, pear, nectarines, plums, mangos, avocados, etc.
  • Shelf stable juice, seltzer, sodas, or similar drinks
  • Shelf stable non-dairy milks (oat, soy, rice, etc)
  • Snacky foods such as chips, pretzels, crackers, etc
  • Easy to grab sweet treats- cookies, brownies, cupcakes, etc.
  • Bagels, muffins, donuts, breads, etc.